Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Kilts gallore here at loving label at the mo! They have been selling like hot cakes on ASOS marketplace... they are a very versatile things kilts....unisex....underwear optional and who can forget the fim clueless that had us dashing ou to the shops to cram our wardrobes full of tartan... they can be worn with thick tights and a crop top jumper and chunky ankle boots and that staple leather kacket that every girl has in there wardrobe. Here are a few pic to insire ya..especially the queen of tartan ms gwen stefani!


Thursday, 3 January 2013

90's 'Alicia' Polo neck long sleeve crop top

Get it while its HOT!!!!  our Alicia 90's Polo Neck long sleeve crop top....Is a pleasure to have in your wardrobe as it goes with pretty much name it.. its goes with..pinafore dresses/ high waisted trousers levis maxi skirts and pencil skirts and for only £15 treat yo sen! xxx

Whats your new year's resolutions?

We at the loving office have a list as long as arm of new year's resolution everything from stop buying shoes to stop eating chocolate and to stop having a cheeky cigarette when we have had a few ... here's a list of ours..we wanna no whats yours eh ? xxx

Number 1. Stop spending money on ridicolous clothes and shoes that we will probaly wear once and then rots in our very overcrowded wardrobe.....maybe ill just wear them all at once to get my wear out of them

Number 2. LETS GET at loving youth we have truly gorged our selves this festive period.. we feel like we have put on about 75 million stone..... so we are gonna try shift some of this chub ! 

Number 3. SHOW THE LOVE......sometimes its just nice to be nice...

Number 4.STOP eating so much choclate.....we just love it so much 

Number 5 .Have just as much fun as last year...if not more..

 Happy new year much love and snogs from Loving youth 

Happy New Year !

Happy new year from the lovinh youth team , We hope 2013 is an absolute belter for you ! xxx